Tuesday 1 October 2013

School paper front cover analysis (draft)

Above is my draft of a school front cover. My colour scheme is  I have used the coloured black, white and yellow as the contrast between the black and white make the front cover stand out, also because they are the school colours.
This is my main image, although it is colourless and an extremely awful/ rough drawing, i have included the facial expressions which will be shown on my final, main image. It will show the emotions two pupils from King Henry school feel in relation to school uniform. As you can see, the stereotypical boy is untidy with an unhappy face, showing he doesn't like or agree with school uniform. Whereas, the girl in the picture will be  happy wearing school uniform and well presented.
The main image is also in correlation with the Splash, regarding school uniform.

As for the pug, located in the top right of the magazine, i one again have used black to outline the colour yellow as it forces the writing to stand out more, to catch the readers attention to purchase the magazine to enter the competition.
The above picture is the sell line for my front cover, subheadings to tell readers the stories that will be inside the magazine. I have used relevant headings which are memorable and interesting to the reader, teenagers like gossip and showing the subheadings included, especially regarding teachers will attract the pupil to purchase the magazine.  

This is what I plan on my masthead to look like. I came up with the idea of KHS Deviations which is King Henry School's initials and 'Deviations' is all the related issues which come out of the school. Such as, pupils going against the school norm of uniform, pupils breaking rules and  then how to enforce boundaries. Therefore, all school related issues which will be covered on the magazine.
The brightness of the yellow then make it more eye-catching.

Above is my Subsidiary Image to represent the range of other stories in the magazine. Where the blank boxes are, there will be pictures of a chess board and a range of the schools sports equipment, to interest keep sports or chess players, the magazine wont only target people interested in reading.

The Uniform Debate is my Splash for the magazine, the main tory for my magazine, which my Main Image is also based off. I have used the colour to highlight the Pros & Cons, to show my magazine will be debating whether school uniform is necessary.
The Pull Quote below the Splash, are quotes used by pupils when debating over school uniform.

Hopefully, my final front cover will be successful and more appealing than my draft above!

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