Saturday 5 October 2013

Picture options for magazine cover

Here are the pictures I have taken as options for the front cover of my magazine. 
The pictures are of Elliott Reynolds and Megan Spears. 
I asked Elliott to untuck his shirt and loosen his tie to show that pupils don't always follow the school uniform rules, minors are often deviant to look 'cool' and gain status. In schools, children often break rules to be seen as superior and gain friends. Therefore I wanted Elliott to reflect deviance that goes on within schools.
As for Megan, I wanted her to look cheerful and smart to show that although there are unruly peers in school, most children do in fact follow rules and present a good image to the school.
I am pleased with this picture I took. Although the background is chaotic, and so leaves the picture to look untidy. However, the image it's self, when focusing only on Elliott and Megan, reflects the message I wanted to get across for my magazine.
The above image, in my opinion, in terms of background and appearance is better than the previous one. However, Elliott is smiling, which i didn't particularly want for my front cover. This is because I want to show that for some pupils, school is abominable, but with Megan smiling it shows some children do find it enjoyable and want to learn.

Again, this image in terms are background is improved than the first, although i'm not keep on Elliott's stance.

In conclusion I have decided to use the first image shown, however with the background edited out to keep the image simple but effective. 

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