Saturday 3 May 2014


What have you learnt about technologies from the process of construction this product?

The main 'technologies' i used was Adobe InDesign. This is the software needed in order to create all three pages of my magazine, the front cover, contents page and double page article. At the beginning of using the software, i thought it was extremely complicated, however after more practice i began to know how to use layers, change the size and colour of fonts etc.  I found it to be a enjoyable software to use in creating my magazine pages once i became familiar with the software.

The most used Technology throughout the whole project, blogger, the website used to post the coursework for my music magazine has over the few months of using it, again like InDesign, become a lot easier to use. At first, software which is unfamiliar can be confusing however due to the simple layout i learnt rather fast how to manage the site in terms of adding my coursework to the blog.

Through I learned how to upload my work to my blog, in an unusual, more exciting way than just a blog post. Although at first i did find it difficult to get the prezi onto my blog, once i knew that i needed to embed the video first, i found it simple to do.

Other 'technologies' i used throughout the construction on SOUND music magazine were a digital camera and an iphone 4. I used these to take photos for the front cover, contents page and article. Despite the Iphone 4 camera not being great quality, it was an okay substitute when my camera battery died.

Unfortunately, throughout the blogging of this evaluation i was unable to use powerpoint/ slide share due to my very basic knowledge of how to use my mac laptop. Therefore not knowing how to find or if so use a powerpoint software that is not run by microsoft.

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