Sunday 17 November 2013

Analysis of music magazine front cover 1: NME

Masthead: The NME masthead is located in the top left corner of the magazine, this is a common location for the masthead. Additionally, the blocked capital font and also the white lettering stands out the reader. It also co-ordinates well with the colour theme of black, red, white and blue.

Caption: The Caption under the main image is the Splash, and below it in large lettering is Lana Del Rey. Lana is the girl in the main image and therefore her name being stated in large, bright blue, capital lettering shows the reader who the story is on. 

Main image: I am very fond on the main image, it shows that Lana is a fun, carefree person due to her sticking her tongue out to the readers. Additionally, NME have used an attractive girl on the front cover as I have found out that their main target audience is men aged 23 and above. Therefore, men enjoy looking at attractive women, which would again lead them on purchasing the magazine. The image is a medium close up shot, showing the top half of Lana's body. Her eyes are looking directly at the camera. This creates a relationship between the reader due to the direct eye contact. The American flag background is to show the reader that Lana is in fact an american singer but the flag also acts as colour to again attract the readers attention to the magazine. 

Splash: The main story of the magazine is extremely eye catching to the reader as it is spread across the width of the magazine, it is a Strapline. It is also at a slight slant which can be distorting to the eye, another thing which catches peoples attention to the magazine. The "I'm a psycho!" pullquote again catches the readers attention due to it being something which people would find interesting to read about which would result in the magazine being purchased. NME editors are evidently extremely knowledgable on how to catch readers attention.

Sell Line: The sell lines include information on stories regarding Noel Gallagher. Therefore, there's articles and information for people who may not be interested on the main story. There is also new tracks and album details on Pete Doherty. Additionally, there is a sell line on British band, Enter Shakari. The sell lines are to show the reader that there is something for everyone included in the magazine. 

Pug: The pug, located in the top right corner of the magazine tells the reader that inside there are free posters inside!
Subsidiary Images: The Subsidiary Images are located in the top right hand corner, they are in black and white and coincide with the pug to show the reader what the posters to be won look like. 

Footer Line: The information located across page show the reader that the magazine also includes gossip on bands such a Biffy Clyro etc.

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