Sunday 4 May 2014


Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Saturday 3 May 2014


What have you learnt about technologies from the process of construction this product?

The main 'technologies' i used was Adobe InDesign. This is the software needed in order to create all three pages of my magazine, the front cover, contents page and double page article. At the beginning of using the software, i thought it was extremely complicated, however after more practice i began to know how to use layers, change the size and colour of fonts etc.  I found it to be a enjoyable software to use in creating my magazine pages once i became familiar with the software.

The most used Technology throughout the whole project, blogger, the website used to post the coursework for my music magazine has over the few months of using it, again like InDesign, become a lot easier to use. At first, software which is unfamiliar can be confusing however due to the simple layout i learnt rather fast how to manage the site in terms of adding my coursework to the blog.

Through I learned how to upload my work to my blog, in an unusual, more exciting way than just a blog post. Although at first i did find it difficult to get the prezi onto my blog, once i knew that i needed to embed the video first, i found it simple to do.

Other 'technologies' i used throughout the construction on SOUND music magazine were a digital camera and an iphone 4. I used these to take photos for the front cover, contents page and article. Despite the Iphone 4 camera not being great quality, it was an okay substitute when my camera battery died.

Unfortunately, throughout the blogging of this evaluation i was unable to use powerpoint/ slide share due to my very basic knowledge of how to use my mac laptop. Therefore not knowing how to find or if so use a powerpoint software that is not run by microsoft.



who would be the audience for your media product


What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? 

The kind of media institution which might distribute my music magazine media product would be an institution with multimedia platforms.
  Due to the main influence of my magazine to be 'Q' magazine, from the structure of the magazine to the colour scheme.. The publisher i would choose to distribute my magazine with be Bauer, the publisher of Q. Bauer is a multinational media company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany which operates in 16 countries worldwide. The worldwide circulation of Bauer Media Group's magazine titles amounts to 38 million magazines a week.
    The Q music brand has expanded to Radio, Television and the Internet, with Q Radio and Q TV being music entertainment that specialises in indie and rock genres, exactly the same as SOUND magazine.
     This would be successful as my target audience is of a technophile generation, they're more likely to use more forms of media to those of an older, technophobe generation. Therefore SOUND magazines' audience would be more interested in interactive readership.  
 Additionally, i would choose Bauer as my magazine distributer due to it being the largest privately owned publishing group in Europe, owning 80 brands and roughly 250 magazines in 15 different countries.

Bauer's brands are distributed by Frontline, which was formed by Emap in 1986 to handle their demands of an expanding circulation, yet now distributes Bauer Media, since Bauer's aforementioned acquisition of Emap (since 2005).
     Frontline would therefore be a good distributer for SOUND magazine's sales and distribution. Frontline are the UK's leading magazine sales, marketing and distribution company. They represent 42% of the magazine category, selling 309 million copies of their 800 different magazines over a large number of roughly 50,000 retailers.

However, there are negatives of Frontline. It's under threat of going bust due to the decline in the number of people who want magazines in paper form. The major increase in technology over the last few years, and the ability to read magazines online for free  has caused  a number of distribution companies to go bust.
  Even the paper form magazines, such as The Fly which is free and benefits from advertisements has now closed.
  This means that publishers will eventually not need a distribution company and so the jobs of the employees of Frontline are in danger.


How does the Media Product represent a particular social group?

The media product of my music magazine represents a particular social group. Such as, the front cover which has pictures of young adults. This therefore is appeals to the younger generation which the magazine is aimed at. Additionally, the appearance of the magazine front cover appeals to a particular indie/ rock social group. This is due to not only the appearance of the models but the layout of the whole magazine in relation to the contents of the magazine.

I have attempted to create representation of a particular indie/ rock subculture, due to the aspects of costume, pose, composition and body language.
Will Kearse, the main focus of my magazine has a pose which in my opinion gives off an 'I don't care' attitude but this also brings the reader in to focus on the magazine. His pose is inviting due to his direct eye-line with the reader . This engages the reader to not only look at the front cover but to also purchase it in order to find out more about the artist. 
     The guitar prop in the subsidiary poster pictures, the contents page and the article also represent the indie/ rock genre.


In regard to the photo of Ellie and Billie, their pose is relaxed in the medium two shot showing their whole outfit and their tour bus. Their costume of converse shoes and denim/ leather jackets gives them the indie, vibe which is portrayed throughout the magazine.

Thursday 1 May 2014


In what ways does your media product use, develo or challenge forms and conventions of real media prodcuts? Front cover evaluation Contents page evaluation Double page article evaluation